6 tips for a job interview

Recalls that each interview is different and the most important thing is to be yourself, be prepared and show interest in the opportunity

  1. Find out about the company:
    Before the interview, investigates everything you can about the company, including its history, products or services, values and mission. This will help you better understand the business culture and how you could fit into it.
  2. Get ready to common questions:
    Be sure to be prepared to common questions of interviews, as "what have you here?" "and What are your strengths and weaknesses?". Prepares, clear and concise answers that show your experience and skills that are relevant.
  3. Practice your answers:
    Practice your answers aloud, preferably with someone you trust, so you can hear how sound your answers and receive feedback. This will help you feel more secure and prepared for the interview.
  4. Dressing properly:
    Visit professionally and suitable for the post to which you are applying. If you are unsure what to use, it is better to dress more formally to less formally.
  5. I KNOW time:
    Be sure to arrive on time or even a few minutes before the interview. If you arrive late, you can show a lack of respect for the time of the interviewer.
  6. Be honest:
    Responds with sincerity and transparency to the questions. If you don't know something, admit it instead of trying to invent a reply. Honesty is valued in a potential employee.
  7. Ask questions:
    Ask questions, on the labour and business to show your interest and commitment. But we avoided questions that have already been answered in the information provided before the interview.
  8. Thanks the interviewer: After the interview, he thanked the interviewer for your attention and for the opportunity to learn more about the company. You Can do so by e-mail or through a note of appreciation.

Recalls that each interview is different and the most important thing is to be yourself, be prepared and show interest in the opportunity. Good luck in your next interview!


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