
Upcoming events

Find out more about recent events in the COE Melilla and work-related.

Non-post resources

Access to services and remedies that can help training to improve your employment situation.

guia de recursos discapacidad
  • People
  • People


¿Qué sucede con tu demanda de empleo cuando realizas un curso de formación del SEPE?

  • People


¿Sabes por qué no logras encontrar trabajo? Tus errores en la búsqueda de empleo


Get services and training resources that can help you improve your personal situation.

Find your Initiative D

Access the form on events and training-related learning in digital skills.

Fundación Telefónica courses

Get the courses of Fundación telefónica.

Guide of female domestic helpers

Aware of the regulations on labour regulation of domestic workers. 

QEDU - What To Study and where at the university

Decides what to study and where with this tool of the ministry of Universities

Latest news

Find out more about the latest news of the COE Melilla and work-related.


Accessed from here to other sites of institutions and bodies relating to the centre of Melilla and the Red COE.